Dong Shan High School is committed to creating a diversified and equal learning environment by multiple teaching activities and harmonious interaction between teachers and students, building high-quality campus culture, developing various aspects of students' wisdom and intellegence to achieve adaptive development and self-fulfillment.

According to the multiple intelligences theory, paying attention to individual differences, guiding students to explore the problem by critical thinking, emphasizing the right aptitude education, implementing self inspiration, developing students to become people with true value, the school is implementing these strategies with the concepts above and can be described as follows:

  1. Pursuing Excellence, Equal Opportunities:
    Opening aptitude courses, planning creative classes for excellent students; remedial teaching for under achieving students.
    • Designing class for diversified aptitude and skill matching (AMC, science discovery, robotics class, etc.)
    • Managing top education: partnering with National Taiwan Normal University and choosing students to travel to the lab to receive instruction from the professors; opening creative classes, managing nature, humanity, science courses, and hiring experts for instructional lectures.
    • Allowing students to skip grades and guiding matching development.
    • Implementing study groups with a higher teacher to student ratio for under achieving students. Never give up on any students.
    • Arranging monthly assessments and fostering students' learning attitude towards pre-study, after-study habits, and establishing learning schedule step by step.
    • Promoting student reading, advocating reading education, arranging morning reading, supporting different subjects and theme activities, a random inspection of their reading passports, and collecting their reading paper, establishing "borrowing expert" rewards, opening book festivals, end-of-the-year book exhibitions and other concrete procedures.
    • Emphasizing English education. Implementing bilingual education and opening bilingual classes in 2011; promoting students for participating in English assessments; holding English singing competitions, English performing arts, overseas education, etc. Nurturing useful foreign language abilities for children.
    • Establishing Japanese, German, French, Spanish language classes in 2011; Founding the International Center in 2016 and setting up the Senior High Section for expanding international vision, developing the concept of global citizens.
    • Founding astronomical observatory, inspiring students' spirit of sciencific discovery, and further more contemplating the relation between the human race and nature.
    • Managing the competition for different subjects and camping activities, providing students with the opportunity to present various skills.
  2. One skill for every student, foster the core values of physical health, fitness and art.
    Establishing Orchestra group, nurturing skillful modern youngsters; founding art clubs, mentoring excellent youngsters who have artistic talent; the school is founding sport teams, and fostering strong youngsters with routine exercise.
    • Opening an art gallery, creating an atmosphere of beauty, fostering student attitude with campus environment.
    • Promoting music, art education, nurturing the abilities of art appreciation.
    • Encouraging students to join competitions based on their aptitude, demonstrating literal expertise. The school orchestra group has had great achievements every year since it was founded. The results are excellent by participating the music competition in Taipei city and the nation.
    • Encouraging students to join school art activities and some art projects, language and literature, sports, and other national and international activities held by Taipei city. Over 1000 students are winning awards from school or international competitions every year with great results.
    • Organizing regular music concerts on campus and in the community to share skill and experience.
    • Encouraging teachers to participate in musical and performing activities.
    • The school has various clubs including 26 sport clubs. Campus opens tournaments regularly including 3 on 3 basketball, volleyball, Chinese yo-yo , rope skipping, tug-a-war, cheerleading costume competition, marathon and hiking for building healthy habits.
    • Implementing swimming assessment with over 70% of students reaching the Taipei city education departments required level.
    • Training sport teams including volleyball, Tchoukball, folk sports, softball, tug-a-war and dancing teams.
    • Receiving invitation to president's office three times due to excellent performance and extraordinary achievement.
  3. Life Education, developing the value of "Pride and Respect".
    Promoting the core values of life education: being thankful to parents and relatives, respecting teachers and being diligent , and setting goals for future life.
    • Planning the teaching material for life education and incorporating it into courses.
    • Arranging scripture reading with meditation, discover internal potential, and stabilizing students' mind.
    • Implementing social service card system and expecting students to develop the virtues of caring for society, service, dedication and benefiting others.
    • Holding the study activities "Life Education Experience" for 9th grade students at Tzu Chi University. Learning how to be thankful, the importance of filial piety and put it into practice in their daily life.
    • Understanding the true meaning of life by organizing for the 10th grade students to visit Tzu Chi Hospital.
    • Teaching student to be grateful what they have and those around them.
  4. Life Education. The establishment of "people and society" principle.
    Constructing students' necessary living routine through daily cleaning, building good characters, and developing the habit of obeying the law, adhering to moral principles and being a good citizen.
    • Implementing the contests of tidiness and order and cultivating students ' sense of responsibility and honor.
    • Guiding students to pay attention to dress and appearance. Opening demeanor education class every five weeks.
    • Using labor service, campus care program and weekend counseling to replace demerit punishment. Giving students the opportunities to make up for mistakes and learning self-improvement.
    • Using weekly, assembly and national defense education to advocate the concept of human rights. Implementing gender equality in education and teaching students to build up the correct and healthy gender relationship.
    • Utilizing off campus resources, law-related education, Youth-Support Projects education, traffic safety education, presentations of preventing gangs from entering the campus, and developing students ' good habits of obedience and lawful manner.
    • In response to the government's carbon reduction policies, school has implemented the environmental education, waste sorting and recycling.
    • Beautify the campus restrooms by improving campus safety and quality of health.
    • Organizing field trips to broaden students horizons.
    • Selecting and recognizing excellent students, and arousing students ' sense of honor.
  5. Ecological Education, reshaping the relationship of "people and nature".
    Fostering children to recognize nature, appreciate natural resources, promote caring, and on the way to the great path of life learning.
    • Divide campus into 6 eco-theme zones: the campus gardens zone, the path of health zone, Firefly ecological reserve zone, honey plant zone, fern plant trail zone, the back mountain broad-leaf zone.
    • Compile ecological courses into the standard curriculum.
    • Compile campus bio-Guide for "Starting Step of Ecological Observation".
    • Promote environmental conservation, teaching Taiwanese conservation history in the curriculum.